HiFive Church Designs Showcased on WCPO

HiFive Church Designs Showcased on WCPO

CINCINNATI – Maybe it’s a “God thing,” but it seems one group got missed by the recession that smacked the real estate market.

Indeed a change in how churches are evangelizing has stimulated the Greater Cincinnati economy.

We need only look at the last three years at The Vineyard in Springdale, where the band will get you revved up if the coffee doesn’t.

The very “current,” high-tech, but down-to-earth style is bringing people in and they’re digging in their pockets to reach out.

In the last three years, The Vineyard has transformed a 110,000 square foot warehouse into a student union and healing center offering some fifty services to the community. Some 500 volunteers give time every month to keep it going, and it also employs a dozen people.

“We’ve always felt like ministry dollars should be going into ministry,” said Senior Pastor Dave Workman, “and so if it’s flowing out then we feel good about what’s happening here.”